Monday, August 1, 2016

Here I come, August!

Lose weight.
Save more money.
Travel a little bit.
Grow something edible.
Read 15 books.

Lose weight - I was lazy in July.

Save more money - Man. July kind of sucked. I spent more money than I should have. I'm back on a spending freeze (I think I said that at the end of June...), but I really need to stick with it. I have a bigger balance on my credit card than I should have. I'm trying to pay off the ole hospital bills and tuition fees. Ooof. Bills bills bills.

Travel a little bit - Heading to Alabama next week! And maybe Chicago in September!

Grow something edible - SUCCESS! I was able to eat some strawberries and basil before it all went to shit because of the weather. I'm taking care of the plants this month - one-way tickets to the woods for those dead little guys. I'm calling this "resolution" a success and striking it off the list.

Read 15 books - I am right on track! I plan on finishing the Stephen King book today (school really took over my lounge-y reading time) and then starting up a Neil Gaiman book for the beach! Hooray!

July was really eaten up by finishing my class and squeezing in a bunch of clinical hours during my free time. I also started picking up a bunch of hours in the Sim Center (hopefully curing some of my "save more money" woes this month). I still kind of think I will have some OT hours in my future at the hospital. I want money in my savings account, my two credit cards paid off, no outstanding tuition fees, and no more hospital bills by the end of 2016!

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