Wednesday, December 5, 2012

One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility" - Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt was a smart lady.

She has a bunch of good quotes and seemed pretty knowledgeable about life and living and being good at public speaking and making memorable quotes.

I keep having moments of clarity - reality checks.

Being grumpy and sad and melancholy about life isn't going to get me anywhere. I am allowing myself to have grumpy, sad, melancholy moments, but I refuse to ruin an entire day over something that is already done.


I can choose to be a sad panda.

Or i can choose to make the most out of my situation.
and be thankful for what I have (and don't have, in some situations).

I am going to go on a couple vacations in 2013. I have one scheduled already (I'm coming for you, Texas!) and another floating in my head for the fall. I want to see things I've never seen before. I want to be places I've never been before.

I am going to work on my CMSRN certification. I am going to get myself a study guide for Christmas (heck yes, nerdy christmas gift) and start doing it. It is going to be hard, but it is going to be worth it.

I am going to continue to try to find the beauty in each day, open myself up to new experiences, and recognize that sometimes you just have to take a step back, accept responsibility for your choices, and let others do the same.