Wednesday, December 30, 2015

End of the Year Update!

Holy guacamole! I feel like it was just the other day when I was typing up my January 2015 resolution post and here we are - December 30, 2015. The year has come to a close and so have some of these "resolutions." Sigh.

1. Eat healthier, be more active, lose weight. Well. I don't think I have lost much weight. I know for a fact I am the same size as I was in January. Harumph. That being said, I have absolutely been more active - going to 9round fairly frequently since May and taking the dogs out more often has definitely got me moving more in 2015. And we all know how weight loss works: Calories burned > calories in. Which means that I did pretty terrible at eating healthier this year. I am making changes though. I have cut my starbucks intake down substantially. I am trying to eat out less. I'm sure this "resolution" will carry on.

2. Read more. When I made this resolution, I meant to "Read more books." That didn't happen. I read a lot more blogs. I read a lot more articles. I did not read more books. I would like to read 15 books in 2016. I got the Harry Potter series for Christmas so I may revisit them. I just know I want to read more.

3. Save more money. So I did save more money in 2015 than in years previous. That being said, I also spent more money. So my end goal = not met. My trips this year were a little more costly than I anticipated. I did learn some new tricks on saving money/spending less throughout this year, so I am going to use those for 2016.

4. In fact, I'm trying to use more of what I already have. Heck yes. HECK YES. I have pared my shower stuffs down by about 50%. I don't have jugs upon jugs of laundry detergent anymore. I do still have too much in my pantry, but not in my freezer! I didn't get tempted by Bath and Body Works e-mails all year. I didn't cave in to the Ulta coupons every month (not even once!) I stood my ground and didn't buy shampoo just because it smelled good. I kicked this resolution's ass!

5. Ahhh. My house. Nothing exciting happened with my house this year. I kept paying off my windows. I didn't need any major appliances. While nothing beneficial happened to my house (like new anythings), nothing detrimental happened either (like requiring new things). I did have a tomato plant this year that grew three tomatoes! I also killed quite a few succulents. I didn't paint anything. The house laid low in 2015.

6. Traveling. 2015 was a good year for traveling! I went to Las Vegas in April, Omaha in June, and Washington DC in October. I bought journal for all 50 states and will hopefully start filling it out before school starts back up.

All in all, I didn't accomplish as much as I intended for 2015. Ideally, I would have lost 15 lbs and a dress size or two. I would have some epic tale I read and can't shut up about. I would have a few more dollars saved up. I would still have way less in my shower/pantry/freezer/laundry room. I would have a cuter house or a productive vegetable garden or something. I would have traveled a bit more. But that being said, I am happy with how my year turned out. On to 2016!

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