Monday, August 10, 2015

August Update

1. Keep kicking ass at 9Round
2. Spend a bunch of time at the beach
3. Read two books in August
4. Pay off credit cards

1. Eat healthier, be more active, lose weight. I slacked for a minute there in July. But then I went to the doctor and found out I have actually lost 6 lbs! My coworkers have mentioned I look like I have lost weight. I don't really super feel that way, but I do feel like I have more muscle tone, which is awesome. I started drinking a meal replacement in the mornings, which actually doesn't taste terrible. And when I was drinking it regularly I did notice that I felt better.

2. Read more. I started reading Aziz Ansari's Modern Romance, which is unfortunately about online dating, which I hate. I can usually read about 15 pages and then I get frustrated. I KNOW THIS LIFE, AZIZ. I also started reading Lena Dunham's book. I've just always been a little annoyed by her, but so many people sung this book's praises. I just don't know.

3. Save more money. Oh man did I fuck this one up.

4. In fact, I'm trying to use more of what I already have. Holy cow I am still doing this! This seems like such a minor thing, but I am making a lot of progress with it and feel pretty good when I get to throw things away.

5. Ahhh. My house. I painted Kellianne's room. I got rid of almost everything from the basement. I finished my office table. My tomato plant has three legit tomatoes on it. I keep thinking about how I need a new roof and new siding and new gutters and new new new. It's a little stressful when I start thinking about it, but really because I only go down the rabbit hole. I wish I was handier.

6. Traveling. I'm hitting the beach this month! I have been picking up extra hours at the hospital, which is great. Making that paper. BUT I haven't had a traditional 4-off/3-on week in a really long time. They posted the August schedule, which includes a 4-off week! Beach time beach time beach time. It will be a little stressful coming back - travel day, two alabama days, travel day, work three 12-hour shifts! But if my Alabama days include beach time, I'm all for it.

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