Saturday, May 27, 2017

Holy Cow, it's June!

Pay off credit cards.
Go to the gym.
Look into more schooling.
Eat less meat.
Do little things around the house.
Read 20 books.

Pay off credit cards. Bleh bleh bleh. Still working on it. I am going to have to get a lot more serious about a budget soon. Also, this "second job" of mine hasn't really paid off. I have literally only gotten to work about 15 hours in the last two months. And i sign up to work almost every weekend.

Go to the gym. I still suck. Lauren and I made a bet - we both want to lose 15 lbs this summer, so we are both going to try. Her and New Mexico and me in Columbia. At the end of the summer, whoever has lost more (and has to be at least 15 lbs) wins. And the loser has to buy the other one a massage or mani/pedi. Sounds like a good deal to me. Maybe that will be some motivation.

Eat less meat. Still on track.

Do little things around the house. I am going to fix the deck this month. I am going to fix the deck this month. I am going to fix the deck this month. I am going to fix the deck this month.

Read 20 books. I am STILL ahead of schedule. And holy cow - when I went on my graduation road trip last week, my friend and I stopped at a few independent bookstores. Two of them really hit the spot. One of them was a store of only signed copies, most were first editions. And since I am a paperback snob and first editions are hardback, it kind of struck out for me. BUT the other three we went to, Star Line Books in Chattanooga, A Capella Books in Atlanta, and The Little Professor Bookshop in Birmingham were all A+. I think my favorite was The Little Professor. They had a HUGE selection for being a small, independent shop and were so friendly and sweet. I got my travel mate on and she bought a handful of books too! Now that we don't have school work harping at us every few days we will both have more time to enjoy our hobbies - both of us like reading so much! I am trying to decide if I should increase my goal or if I should keep it 20 books and if I go over, I will shoot for that for 2018. These are the decisions that keep me up at night.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Heading into May!

Pay off credit cards.
Go to the gym.
Look into more schooling.
Eat less meat.
Do little things around the house.
Read 20 books.

Pay off credit cards. I chipped away at this some more. I did not get to pick up as many hours with the staffing agency as I had hoped, so this is not going as quickly as I had hoped. I am trying to turn this around on weekends though. It gets a little tricky - you don't want to sign up early in case they offer bonuses, but the longer I put off signing up for a shift, the more time i have to talk myself out of it. I need to just do it enough to start making some serious headway at my credit card, invisalign payments, and window payments. Man, I sure as heck don't want to have to deal with something like my window payment again. It's good motivation to save up the money BEFORE making the home improvement. I am also putting myself on a spending diet - No starbucks. No clothing. No house stuff. Only groceries and gas for my car.

Go to the gym. Oh brother. I suck. Even if I don't go to the gym, I need to do Betty Rocker (it's only 15 minutes a day, lazybones). Or do a bike ride with Logan (it's been too rainy the whole last week!) I went to the gym on day this month and I WAY overdid it. Sore for days! I need to get back into usual workouts so I'm not so miserable for a week after.

Eat less meat. Doing this one! I have just been kind of turned off to meat in general. It just doesn't sound good most days. Logan and I will start grilling a lot more, we will switch it up more this year. I'll have to figure out some good grilled veggie meals.

Do little things around the house. I am going to fix the deck in June. I am going to fix the deck in June. I am going to fix the deck in June. I am going to fix the deck in June.

Read 20 books. I'm ahead of schedule! I just finished my 7th book of the year. I will probably increase my challenge. I will have more free time once school is over in May. I am trying to read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and I don't like it so far. I need to give it a chance though.