Thursday, March 31, 2016

April Showers!

25% of the year is over. Whoa.

Lose weight.
Save more money.
Travel a little bit.
Grow something edible.
Read 15 books.

Lose Weight - So in March I went to Supplement Superstore and talked with a young man named Phillip. Phillip is a mighty good salesman. I went in with my mind on one thing - magic beans that will make me hot and thin and healthy in like, a month. When Phillip started his whole, "tell me about your diet plan and your exercise plan and what you drink and what you do" schpeal, I wanted to roll my eyes. I probably did roll my eyes. But I fell into the sales trap. I spent more money than I intended, but I think I am seeing some results. I definitely don't have such strong cravings. And I definitely have been eating better. I have cut back on soda again (I think I've only had soda twice in the month of March) and significantly reduced starbucks trips (I was going pretty frequently in February). I have been KILLING drinking enough water. With the little plan Phillip put me on, I have to drink 100 oz of water every day. My personal goal was to drink 70 oz, so even if I don't meet Phillip's goal, I meet mine. I pee a lot, but that's okay.

Save more money - Yep yep yep. Still doing it! I ended up having some unplanned expenses in March (Supplement Superstore trip included and I found a vintage dresser that came from heaven). BUT I am still saving! I need to remember that one of my savings accounts is supposed to be for those big spending items we all have on occasion - like a new dresser or lawn mower. Just because I tap into one of those doesn't mean I have failed!

Travel a little bit - Vacation! Vacation! Vacation! I'm such a sucker for vacations! I don't understand how people don't like to travel. And I am a total homebody. I would rather be home than out and about most days, but dang it I like going on vacations. I didn't really start going on vacations until my divorce. And now I go on more than one a year. I'm trying to be a little more responsible with spending on this one though. I went a little over the top with DC last year. But... VACATION.

Grow something edible - I cleared out my flower pots on my deck and (hopefully) destroyed all the weeds in my front flowerbed. I wish there was a way to just destroy all of it and start from scratch, but there all bulbs all over the damn place in the front flowerbeds. I plan on growing some mosquito repelling plants to grow on the deck where my deck chairs are. That'll make it a little more bearable. That's what I was checking out when the heavens shined upon me and delivered the most angelic vintage dresser. (Tangent: my dresser sucked. I bought a dresser in 2008-ish from Value City Furniture. It was on clearance bc the mirror was broken. So I took the mirror off and just had a dresser. It was made from pressed wood, was pastel green, and clearly for a child's room. Not cute for a woman in her thirties. Then I go to Helmie's looking for plants and there is a dresser. While it was more than I wanted to spend that day, it was more than reasonable for the quality of furniture it is. And it makes my bedroom look a little more grown up - in a good way.)

Read 15 books - I joined a book club again! They meet monthly, so I will get at least one book in every month if I enjoy it. I am trying to expand my reading choices a little more, get out of my comfort zone. In March I read a book written by a surgeon and I am currently reading a historical fiction novel, both are not choices I would normally make. Sometimes it's nice to get out of your comfort zone.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Update

Holy hell. It's already March.

Lose weight.
Save more money.
Travel a little bit.
Grow something edible.
Read 15 books.

Lose Weight - I've been going to 9Round with my gym buddy. But this week I have been absolutely terrible with eating healthy. Like, not even joking when I say it's been bad. I need to recognize that just because I have a crap meal doesn't mean I threw away all my hard work or should just keep eating crappy because I already fucked up. Sometimes we just eat crappy and move back on track.

Save more money - I'm still doing it! I'm on track with this goal/resolution! I gave myself a rule of no clothing items for all of January or February. AND I DID IT. This might not seem like a big thing to most people, but it was for me. I often go scope out the clothing section of Target when I am there to get laundry detergent and coffee. I am a sucker for the sales that Old Navy e-mails me all the dang time. I find out I have a coupon, I go buy something, I wear it a couple times or wash it once and then it's pretty much trash. I decided I would let myself buy a couple things for my birthday for this month and then get back to another break. Nothing else in March.

Travel a little bit - My travel plans just keep on changing. Still going on an adventure in May and June. That might be it. Maybe something else in the fall, but nothing major.

Grow something edible - This still hasn't happened because it's too cold. I think I am going to grow spinach in the big pot I have on my back deck. I need to look to see what plant seeds I have in the garage. I went to the zoo last month and walked around the Butterfly House. I think it would be cool to plant some flowers that the butterflies like, but I worry that I would also attract bees. And that's a big ole nope.

Read 15 books - Still on track (ahead of track, really) on this. I've read four books. I am struggling with my fifth (which I actually really started off liking and it has just kind of dwindled away for me). I have two more on my bedside table to crack open. I can honestly say that I have started to enjoy reading again.