Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July update

1. Paint Kellianne's room
2. Get my stuff out of the basement
3. Read two more books this month
4. Finish office table/desk

1. Eat healthier, be more active, lose weight. So I have had a few sodas. And a couple more white mochas than I should have had. BUT I JOINED A KICKBOXING GYM. And I've actually been going and putting forth legit effort. I also started doing an upper body workout at home on the days I don't go to the gym. I know if I go too frequently and get sore I'll not want to go as much. I've been going twice a week - this week I'm upping it to three times. I've also been trying to walk the dogs to get them some exercise. I want to not be embarrassed in photos. Workin on it.

2. Read more. Yes! I did it! I decided I was going to read/finish two books in June. I finished Amy Poehler's memoir, read the last Gillian Flynn novel a co-worker loaned me MONTHS ago, and I read a book about the Columbine school shooting. I decided I would make a goodreads goal of 10 books for 2015. (4 down, 6 to go!)

3. Save more money. Doing it still. I backslid a little bit, but I'm back on track!

4. In fact, I'm trying to use more of what I already have. I *might* have gone to Bath & Body Works last week and bought a couple candles. Maybe. In my defense, I have blazed through (no pun intended) the candles I bought last year. My house now smells like something beach related. So much better than smelling like dogs.

5. Ahhh. My house. I transplanted my tomatoes from a little pot to a couple of bigger pots. I hope they don't die. It's too soon to tell. I am going to paint Kellianne's room this month. I started to work on refinishing a dining room table to put in my office. I didn't get too far on it. At all. It's now sitting in my garage like a workstation that I'm working on. Maybe I'll make that a July goal!

6. Traveling. Might have another little road trip in the works for August. My dad suggested Minnesota/Wisconsin - only 9 hours away! And turns out the Mall of America has an aquarium. So that might happen. Still gotta work out more details for October trip. 2016 will probably be limited to the Mexico family vacation. Maybe a small one in the Fall. Okay okay, I'm getting ahead of myself.