Friday, May 1, 2015

May Update

1. Eat healthier, be more active, lose weight. Uhhhhh. I got a new fitbit, the Fitbit Charge, since it's an actual watch (a hideous watch, but a watch nonetheless) I have been wearing it all the time. I'm trying to hit 10,000 steps 6 days a week, at least. I have been eating healthier - cut out fast food almost completely!

2. Read more. - Maybe I'm just afraid of finishing Amy Poehler's memoir. Surely that's why I haven't picked it up to finish the last 50 pages. I actually need to get on this though - one of my coworkers loaned me another Gillian Flynn novel and I need to get it back to her. Maybe over "spring break". (Did I mention how much I hate going back to school lately?)

3. Save more money. Bills, Bills, Bills. Destiny's Child got it back in like, 2001. Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills? Can you pay my automobile bills? SON OF A BITCH. I absolutely LOVE my new car, but DANG IT A CAR PAYMENT WAS NOT SOMETHING I WANTED TO DEAL WITH.

I have been sticking with some of those savings challenges. For the months of May and June I am going to do the 5% in savings for every purchase (a "self tax" is what I call it) and avoid using my credit cards. Bah! I need to remind myself that I got them for the purpose of emergencies and that really is when I should be using them. Sales at Old Navy and buying makeup are not "emergencies".

4. In fact, I'm trying to use more of what I already have. Still SO MUCH BETTER AT THIS! No matter how many e-mails they send me, I haven't gone into Bath & Body Works to buy candles OR handsoaps. I won't do it! I'm staying strong! I'm also eliminating shower supplies. I have successfully been able to avoid the "health and beauty" section of Target and Walmart for pretty much a year now. Which is both awesome and a little sad at the same time. And I have more 1/2 full shampoo/conditioner bottles under my sink still. Such a hoarder.

5. Ahhh. My house. I somehow managed to murder a succulent. I should not be responsible for replanting shit. Although, I have successfully grown tomato seedlings (which also falls under Resolution 1 and 3). Hopefully when it's time to plant them in something bigger or better, I won't totally fuck it up. I'm working on buying a weedeater so my yard will look a little nicer. I bought some stuff to hopefully replant where some grass has died. I need to clean up the patio and basement before too long. Kellianne is going to start moving some stuff in soon!