My divorce changed me. My life immediately after my divorce was an under water blur. For about three months, I didn't like the person I was. As expected after a divorce - I was short-tempered and depressed and hesitant and gray. At one point I think I thought that I was afraid of the person I was becoming. Life changes. Fuck.
But just as my divorce temporarily changed me into a monster I hated, as time went on I got better.
I realize now as I am typing this that unfortunately, a lot of my happiness stems from my divorce. Not necessarily because I'm happier not being married to my ex-husband, but because I have changed SO MUCH. And rather than allowing my divorce to define my happiness, I am just going to look at it a little differenty.
Some things that have happened
Painted four rooms in my house. Next is my basement (it's going to take forever and I am going to say I hate it, but really I like it. I like knowing I am making something better for my liking) and the guest bedroom. NO MORE RED ROOMS!
Went to Texas!
Went to Alabama (three times)!
Bought a ticket to New York!
Have lived with FIVE people.
Celebrated living in my house for 5 years by getting it refinanced! Getting an estimate on new windows and sliding glass doors! Planning on new siding and gutters in the next year or so! Thinking about a new roof and deck! Yahoo! This house is starting to feel like MY home. And I'm fucking pumped about it.